


Academic probation is a bump in your road to graduation, and you have support 在UNC 回到正轨. 留校察看意味着你的累积GPA低于2分.0, 在你提出警告之前,你一直处于警告状态. 你还有24个缓刑学分要还 良好的学术成绩. These 24 credits begin your first semester after receiving the academic probation 请注意. We count any class you complete with a standard letter grade (A-F) in a Fall, 期中、春季或夏季会议.

If you are on academic probation and do not raise your cumulative GPA to 2.0或更高 after the 24 probation credit hours 在UNC, you will be suspended. 你也会 如果你的平均绩点低于(或保持在)1分以下,就会被暂停.见习期间0.

A 保持状态 on your account that prevents registration for the following term. 你的导师或 success coach will lift your hold after you meet with them and complete your requirements.

通读您的选项和步骤. 最好的办法就是联系你的 顾问 or probation@spreadcrushers.com 支持.


  • 学业成功工作坊

    我们提供了一个学术成功研讨会 博天堂官方帆布课程的成功 博天堂官方网站政策和学术成功的工具. 这大约需要30分钟才能完成. If you are on the first semester of probation, you will be assigned the workshop as 博天堂官方帆布成功课程的“小测验”. 你的导师不能删除你的 登记持有 直到你完成工作坊. 如果你是一个连续的试用期, you are not required to complete the workshop but are more than welcome to, just email probation@spreadcrushers.com 要添加到车间.  

    You should schedule regular check-ins with your probation support because talking with someone who knows your goals can help with motivation, problem-solving, and accountability.

  • 全新的开始

    Some students find that taking classes at community college or just a few years off 帮助他们更强壮地回到UNC.

    With 全新的开始 letter 成绩 "C-," "D+," "D," "D-" or "F" (excluding first semester back courses) will remain on the transcript but will no longer be used in the calculation 北卡大学GPA. 这些课程将不再计入毕业成绩,要么. These programs offer you a fresh start, meaning you may need to retake classes 以满足您的LAC,主要或次要要求.


    If a fresh start makes sense for your graduation plan, speak with your 顾问 about 程序选项:


    全新的开始 for Freshmen is for students who have completed fewer than 30学分 towards graduation 在UNC with a cumulative GPA of less than 2.0. 符合资格的学生 必须:

    •  在另一所大学注册.
      • Complete a minimum of 24 transferable credit hours with a 2.5最低绩点 平均(基于4分.0分或在不同的分数线上得到同等的分数). 你必须 在返回UNC之前完成这些学分.
      • Grades of "C-" or higher from other institutions are eligible for transfer to UNC.
      • Grades earned at another institution do not affect UNC GPA: GPA does not transfer.
      • 你必须 send an official transcript to the UNC Registrar's Office for evaluation.
    • Upon returning to UNC, complete a minimum of 12 credits in a single semester, in the 回到博天堂官方的第一个学期,GPA不低于2分.50.


    为归国学生重新开始 is for students who have 至少三年没有上过北卡大学成绩在“C-”或以下的学生. 

    To qualify, the most recent UNC 成绩 must be three or more calendar years older 比博天堂官方最后一个学期的学生要多.

    For example, enrollment from spring 2019 and previous would be eligible for Fresh 2022年春季完工后开工. 你可以在2022年秋季开始上课.


    • If planning to transfer to another institution, be aware that many schools recalculate a student's GPA to account for all classes taken at previous institutions.
    • 转移 credits will be accepted following the normal admission criteria.
    • 全新的开始 guarantees readmission to UNC if a student had been academically suspended 一次. 不需要再入学上诉.
    • 学生 who have been academically suspended from UNC twice are not eligible for 全新的开始. A second academic suspension is a permanent suspension from future enrollment 在UNC.
    • Once 全新的开始 is applied to an academic record it cannot be removed.
    • The rules of 全新的开始 may be applied only 一次 to a student's transcript.
  • 重新被北卡大学录取

    After being suspended for 1 full semester, you are eligible for readmission. 你做 not need to complete a full application (like the first time you applied to UNC). 相反,您将完成一个 重新接纳的吸引力.

    Your readmission appeal is considered by our Academic Review Committee, that looks 在几个方面:

    1. 你的上诉信. Be specific with what happened before you were suspended and how 如果你被重新录取,情况就不一样了.
    2. 你的学习成绩. Include transcripts if you took classes at another college to 向委员会展示你的成绩是如何变化的. 转学成绩不会改变你的 UNC GPA, but they will show that you are passing classes now.
    3. 其他文件. Include letters of recommendation, medical circumstances, and other documents that help the committee understand what happened and what is different now.


  • 悬挂上诉

    There are two ways that you could be suspended from taking classes next semester:

    1. 你的累积GPA低于2分.0 after 24 credit hours on probation (about 2 semesters). 
    2. 你的累积平均成绩低于1分.见习期间0.

    A 2.0代表所有课程的平均成绩为C,而1代表所有课程的平均成绩为1.0是“D”平均分. 

    面临停职可能会让人感到不知所措. 遵循三个步骤:

    • 在期末成绩交完后的周一查收邮件. 你会收到一封来自 如果你被停职,请向注册主任申请.
      • 5月13日是2024年春天
    • 对停课提出上诉 截止日期前. Your appeal goes to our Academic Review Committee, who will look 看你的信件、记录和其他文件. 如果被批准,你可以再上一个学期 为了提高你的成绩.
      • 2024年春季是5月24日





联系 梅丽莎Lea 或电子邮件 cebsadvising@spreadcrushers.com 电话:970-351-3617


联系 卡蕾Oplt or 高速钢.studentsuccess@spreadcrushers.com 电话:970-351-3140


联系MCB成功中心 MCB.建议@spreadcrushers.com  电话:970-351-1233


联系NHS咨询中心 nhsadvising@spreadcrushers.com 电话:970-351-3082


联系PVA咨询中心 pva.advising@spreadcrushers.com 电话:970-351-2993


请与Soar办公室联系 Soar@spreadcrushers.com 或致电:970-351-1391


我们的 deadlines are "hard" meaning there is no wiggle-room, so please plan ahead for 你的提交. You might set an alarm on your phone right now, and set it 24 hours ahead of the true deadline to remind yourself to submit your materials.


Rolling Deadline: submit by the last Friday of each month.


Use this form and deadline if you plan on returning to UNC for the Fall Term after 停学1个学期以上. 委员会做决定 每月第一个星期五.

Hard Deadline for Spring 2024 Semester: Friday, December 22nd.




Use this form and deadline if you received a suspension 请注意 based on your summer 成绩.




生活就是这样,适应大学生活充满了挑战. 使用免费资源和 support on campus to help you set and reach your academic goals. 

  • 检查 学术地位政策. Write down three questions to ask your 顾问 or success coach.
  • 找到 学术见习支持人员 为了你的大学. 今天在你注销电脑之前联系他们.
  • Schedule regular conversations throughout the semester for increased success. 我们的 statistics show that the more your meet with your probation support person, the higher 你的累积GPA会上升! 你的第一次会面应该在前四次之内 weeks of the semester--and it is never too late to get help.
  • 完成自定进度 通过Canvas学习成功工作坊to identify campus resources for classes, clarify questions about the 学术地位政策,并计算本学期的GPA目标.
    • If this is your first semester on probation, you are required to complete the course. 如果你不能访问它,用电子邮件 probation@spreadcrushers.com
  • 如果您正在撰写停职上诉,请访问 写作中心 
  • 制定一个计划来使用 学业成功资源.